15 April, 2008

EGADE Orientation

In an effort to keep a better travelogue, here I am, in my room, sitting down to write about my day. This is soooo Sex and the City. Which reminds me, actually; when I was in Torreon the other day I saw Sex and the City. [That explains the picture, above.] But I digress because this entry is for today, my first day at EGADE – Orientation.

First of all, let me tell you that my Spanish remains terrible but I’ll live. I’m not the worst person in my class (by far) and I remain confident that I will improve.* That having been said, it is important to note that the entirety of my five hour orientation – replete with guided tour – was in Spanish. General amusement by all attendees – thirty-five or so extranjeros, mostly from Europe and featuring a surprisingly large contingent of Frechmen – ensued. As it turns out, I like my classmates could follow the vast majority of it (primarily because the vast majority of it was either redundant or inconsequential) but no one is an expert, so I can sleep well with that. The lingua franca alternates between English, Spanish, and French** and the topics run from European Politics to Electronica Music. Much to my delight, everyone has been quite friendly although I’d be hard pressed to name more than a half dozen of my new classmates. Still, it’s nice to know that I’m not the only stranger in a strange land.

* Today I even used the future tense, which I was never formally taught!
** The upside of this being that I might, strangely, pick up some French while here. Tres bien!

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