27 February, 2009

Manisha, Manhattan, and more pictures

Tonight is Kim's birthday but today was my chance to visit my local city of lights. I was inspired to act as a tourist again by my friend Manisha.* She came for an impromptu overnight visit en route from Bogota to Mumbai a few weeks ago and was so excited to be in America for the first time that this was her reaction to my license plate:

Or, likewise, at an American flag and subway car:

Her best smile though? Reserved for a post-dance party trip to a punjabi greengrocers.

[Seriously, she looks like a starving woman in a feast!]

It was a miserable day for pictures but I managed to catch a few things I'd never seen before. My favorite example? The sad panda wandering near Wall Street. Somehow so fitting...

All in all it was a lovely way to spend an afternoon, even if the weather was a bit dreary. That night was a pirate-themed birthday party for Kim in a board game bar (nirvana for Kim, let me tell you) so weather stopped being a factor. My failings at BananaGrams, however are another story entirely...

* Manisha, the best CouchSurfing host in history, with whom I stayed (you may recall) for a week in Manizales, Colombia in October 2008.

04 February, 2009

When in Rome, do as the Romans do...

... when in Pennsylvania, go to Groundhog's Day?

Okay, sure, why not?

It was all kind of fun. I went with three Allentown CouchSurfers - Jeremy, Daisy, and Jessica - and even though Jeremy got a ticket en route a good time was had by all. While there we met Katy and Frank, from nearby Pittsburgh and whole mess of groundhog enthusiasts. Further proof that there is intelligent life in your backyard.

Waiting for the, er, hog himself.

Obligatory group picture at the Knob.

Warming up by the fire.

Posing with town statuary...

... and other things.