12 July, 2009

Heading South

What a strange and wonderful world it is. Last weekend was white water rafting and river trekking; this weekend was dragon boat racing and temple visits.
So get this: a small industrial city in the south of South Korea, Ulsan, was selected as the site of the third annual International Dragon Boat Championships. I, like you, had no idea such a thing even existed but as it was scheduled for the same time as one of the biggest events of the Korean summer – the Boryeong Mud Festival – I was soon to become very well informed. See, even though the event was being held in Korea the competition from Boryeong kept Korean participation drastically low. So low, in fact, that they paid a group of Koreans and expats – myself included! – to head down there and compete. We weren’t representing Korea or anything (heck, we were barely representing ourselves) but it was damned fun. Best of all, this group of untried amateurs actually finished ahead of a couple of teams, taking fourth in a six boat race.


...Totally fake...

...totally not!

Now, you know me; I had already committed my weekend to the races and so when they finished up around noon on Saturday, I didn't call it quits. No, instead of heading back to the city I got in touch with a local couchsurfer - Dave Swede, an absolutely amazing host - who put up with me, three friends, plenty of bad puns, and worse beer.
A good time was had by all but the real highlight was the next day. En route north to Seoul we decided to stop off in the ancient city of Gyeongju - home of Bulguk Temple, one of the three UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Korea. The temple was simply beautiful and the town itself like a living museum. The whole place was almost deserted - oh the joys of being a tourist in Korea!

A wonderful escape from the city and, all in all, I'd say it was a hell of a weekend.^^

08 July, 2009

Mexican Night, or Me and My Big Mouth

When my friend William mentioned how he hadn’t eaten good Mexican food in ages I should have just let it go. I should not, I repeat, not, have reminded him that I used to live in Mexico and was not too bad at a handful of dishes. More importantly, I should not have encouraged him to put together a Mexican-themed dinner party. But, but, but barring all that even I couldn’t be foolish enough to suggest my place as the venue.

… I but I am and I did – and I don’t regret it for a second.

Last night about fifteen my best friends in Seoul travelled from far and wide – on a weeknight, no less – to break break [tortillas?] with me and although things were not exactly flawless a good time was had by all.

I made hummus and fajitas, Rob quesadillas, Rozalia eggplant dip, Sue pico de gallo, Zarate guacamole, Mike salad, and William brought just about everything else. Everyone, of course, helped drink the tequila. ^^

Check out Connie's awesome surprise cameo - I love it!

06 July, 2009

Let’s Get Wet!

It’s hot. Very, very, very hot. Not Monterrey hot, but it’s close. Thus far it hasn’t stopped my hiking – I mean, who are we kidding? – but it found me searching for ways to indulge my favorite pasttime and keep cool at the same time.
Enter, stage left, water trekking – hiking along side and, hopefully at times, in a river.
I mean, you really would have thought that, as a Floridian, this would have occurred to be before, but better late than never.
Regardless, it was an idyllic way to celebrate The 4th of July and far superior to the white water rafting we tried out the day before. [I guess it just hasn’t rained quite enough yet to make rafting worthwhile]. I mean, both were fun river trekking wins by a landslide.
Check it: