06 July, 2009

Let’s Get Wet!

It’s hot. Very, very, very hot. Not Monterrey hot, but it’s close. Thus far it hasn’t stopped my hiking – I mean, who are we kidding? – but it found me searching for ways to indulge my favorite pasttime and keep cool at the same time.
Enter, stage left, water trekking – hiking along side and, hopefully at times, in a river.
I mean, you really would have thought that, as a Floridian, this would have occurred to be before, but better late than never.
Regardless, it was an idyllic way to celebrate The 4th of July and far superior to the white water rafting we tried out the day before. [I guess it just hasn’t rained quite enough yet to make rafting worthwhile]. I mean, both were fun river trekking wins by a landslide.
Check it:

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