16 April, 2009

Going in Circles

As Freud might have said, "Sometimes a map is just a map." Take this one for example:

If it looks like a big circle that's because it is, much to my chagrin. While most of the paperwork associated with the impending Korea move - now just days away! - is usually little more than a paper chase, today's all-important step seemed more like I was chasing my tail. See, with mere days left in country and family flying in to say goodbye, I spent my day driving to and from Atlanta - some 12+ hours on the road - for a pro forma interview with the Korean consulate in Atlanta. Frankly I can think of about a thousand things I would have rather done with my day but, well, thankfully it's over and done with now.

However, lest I seem too dour, the silver lining is this: now all I have to do is wait for my new visa to arrive in the mail and I'm off!

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