10 October, 2008

Onward and (blissfully) upward!

It is amazing what you can and, ultimately, cannot get used to. For example, it took only a few months in the hill of Monterrey to make me a stauch devotee of mountain landscapes and it seems something easier to set than to break: after three weeks on flat ground in Panama or literally at sea level en route to Colombia* it was like my entire childhood was forgotten. Indeed, the driving heat of coastal Colombia was too much for me, and I left for higher and cooler climes yesterday. My first port of call is Medellín, some five hundred kilometers south and some 1500 meters further up. Oh and what a difference it is! The city is lovely, in its way - it reminds me a lot of Monterrey, in a way, and is likewise achingly modern but, well, greener - and the climate is idyllic. Here I am, wearing a sweater and everything! Unfortunately, though, the weather is only one half of the equation: now that I am among mountains, I want to be in them, too. Next stop: hiking!

* This from a Florida native!

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