23 September, 2008

Into the drink, dear friends!

So, having now reached the Panama Canal - and let me tell you, seriously, wow - by way of the longest bus ride in recent memory (15 hours, San Jose to Panama City), my journey south has come to an end. Fortunately, however, my journey back north is just beginning! Through a strange serious of coincidences - the best kind, I always say - I have lucked into passage, as crew, aboard the very sailboat pictured above. The timing is not exactly perfect (thus my marathon travel session), but the set-up is, so this time tomorrow I will be working my way north from the San Blas Islands of Panama.*
I could not, I assure you, be more excited.
Next stop: the high seas!

* This also means that communication of all kind will have to be kept to a minimum. Phone calls, IMs, e-mails, and even this blog with pretty much dry up for the duration. On the bright side, the boat has an e-mail address, so you can sporadically check its progress here: http://www.astor.org/

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