05 May, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes

I am, as always, getting behind in blog posts - it's just too hard at times to both live life and accurately record it - but I cannot let a day like yesterday pass without at least trying to tell you a little about it.
Yesterday was, simultaneously, Childrens' Day in Korea and Cinco de Mayo in Mexico. Because of the former it was a holiday here but because of the later I cannot help but think how much things have changed for me in a single year.

2008: A year ago, as this blog itself shows, I was in Mexico itself, celebrating Cinco de Mayo with Humberto, Allain, and Remy in Guanajuato, the heart of Mexican independence.

2009: This year I was half a world away in Seoul, Korea playing frisbee, drinking soju, and eagerly anticipating 2000 won tacos by the Han river with new friends.

Forget, for just a minute, the worries of the world. Forget the wars, the famine, the strife. I know I am the luckiest man in the world, but try to see the world as I see it. As a place of infinite possibilities, a big, beautiful world full of sunshine and laughter.

I know I am lucky, so unbelievably lucky, but I wish everyone could see what I see.

PS Damnation, I am definitely getting more sentimental in my old age...

1 comment:

The Sports Fan's World said...

i could not agree more it seems to me that if people would focus on positive things in life istead of all the negitive things we might get things acomplished together as people and not judge someone becuse of how the look or what color there skin is ...
