13 July, 2008

Notes from the Underground

Okay, I'll be the first to admit that it is harder to stay in touch on the road than I thought. Mostly, I think, because my "grand vision" does not include time in Internet Cafes.* Still, here I am, alive and well in San Cristobal de las Casas, approximately halfway through my Southern Mexico Odyssey. One day I may transcribe my unintelligible notes of the last few weeks, but for now you'll have to live with this: I love this country. I mean, I love my country, too, but Mexico stands apart. Mexico City, Tlaxcala, and Oaxaca were at all times better than I could have ever imagined** and the rest of the trip is gearing up to be more of the "same".

By way of farewell - is as much as this was ever a hello - let me explain the above picture, one of the most recent of the I've taken on the road. On Friday Kristin an I went hiking in the Sierra Norte of Oaxaca, in the small village of Cuajimoloyas, and I discovered that even after four months in Mexico, the country still has a few surprises for me. Stunningly beautiful, the area has pine forests competing with lupines, agaves and cacti competing for space - almost as though all of Mexico's biodiversity came together at 3000 meters.

More, as always, later, but I hope all is a well with you as it is with me.

* Today is something of an exception, clearly.
** I mean, if not Oaxaca where else can you see a political protest and a religious parade on the same day in the same square?

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