23 July, 2008

Moving on, again...

What a difference a day makes! My first impression of Belize was like so many of my ¨Mexican¨ impressions: ¨God loves this country. Verdant and bountiful, it’s a far cry from the deserts of Monterrey. Still, even if God loves Belize, I I found its City wanting. No, wanting isn’t the right word: a farce is more like it. Things were never so complicated in Mexico, even when (especially when?) I didn’t speak the language. Still, even if the people in Belize City were in equal parts friendly and unsavoury* the limitations of my budget forced me to move on this morning. Which brings me to Hillview, in the Cayo district, simultaneously on the other side of the country and only three hours away. A little internet searching found the only hostel in the region – the ¨Falconview Back Pack Adventure Hostel¨ - which I later showed up to unannounced and am the only guest. What a difference a day makes. The owners, Ray (an American expat who first came to Belize when it was still British Honduras in 1959 and Silvia (who us actually Colombian and when to the University of South Florida of all places), are as charming as their hostel – which is saying something. So a miserably night in Belize City notwithstanding, things are looking up.

* Which, while normally a winning combination, was of unwieldy portions in Belize.

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