22 April, 2009


Everything is running on time and, so far at least, running smoothly. Still, I find that there is something mildly poetic about hurtling through the air at hundreds of miles an hour* en route to Korea. It makes it all seem to futuristic. ^^

I have a window seat and the one next to me is empty. This, despite the fact that it
has been daylight for the entire run, means I actually got to catch a few hours of sleep towards the beginning of the flight.

Siberia from above is fascinating but it makes Iceland look hospitable.

Also, irony of ironies, my first "Korean" meal had matzos. Because special meal requests tend to be served first (and made fresh) I've made it a habit of ordering them on transatlantic flights and this one was no different. Much to my amusement, however, in this instance "kosher" translated as Passover-approved" ('tis the season, I guess). Hence the matzos, charoset, and gefilte fish. It's a hell of a send off, let me tell you!

* Soon the reconversion to metric begins anew!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Wow, that IS hilarious! :) Yum yum matzah...